目前分類:Dream (3)

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我坚信 Law of Attraction,所有跟这件事情有关系的人,一定会帮我完成这个 Research ethics application 的! 现在来开始咯~


1. Dr JJ 一定会超愿意的支持我签了这份同意书,还会帮我到他的 CEO 那里签了我这份同意书!

2. Dr B 肯定超愿意签了这份同意书,还会用她的关系到 Deputy Dean (research) 肯定签了这份同意书!

3. Dr C 不管我要做什么,他都非常的支持和同意所有我要的!

我厉害吧!我学到了之前用了 Law of Attraction 方向不对的时候 要超快的 reboot & restart 然后问自己 "我要的是什么? So What do I want?"。赶快重振 计划新的方向 更加确定自己要的是什么 再出发 再冲刺!!!

emoWawa과학자 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

原来有些事 不是我用 law of attraction or the energy of the universe or even my super optimistic 的正能量就一定可以达到的。 原来有些事 是我不管怎么努力捉也捉不住的 怎么努力的要越过荆刺翻过重重的围墙 也冲不过去 就败在厚厚的自利心。我生气 我难过 我讨厌自己的命运被操控着 我讨厌自己再怎么努力也无法改变现在。我的未来因为一颗自私自利的心而被截住了 我不甘心...



emoWawa과학자 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I confronted my supervisor today, at the end of the talk, he said: "You are a frustrated young scientist (with smile)"

and I told him, "i'm not frustrated lo (苦笑)"

he said, "you are a curious young scientist (another smile on his face)"

and he said, once his supervisor told him and his labmates when he was pursuing his phD, "all of you are charcoal, and i will throw all of you in the middle of sea from no where, those who can swim back, they will become diamond."

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